Wednesday, October 22, 2008

a few new items of note

**I read in the Queen Creek newspaper about the SKYLINE RANCH MARKETPLACE! Here are a few blurbs about what I read...

-Home Depot and Target are very much "in"!
-Construction should begin mid 2009
-Construction was delayed because of the down turn in the economy

Well hope that lifts some of your spirits.....we are excited to have a Target even closer and a Home Depot right around the corner. I know they will get lots of business from my household. Now only if they would start any sooner......ah!

**Next HOA meeting is the 30th of this month. Watch for signs!!

**The weather is cooling off...finally...and the parks are being seeded for winter grass. Please make sure your children dont damage the new grass and let it grow in.

**Ive seen alot of garage sale signs.......thats good news! Out with the old and in with the new (plus its extra cash for the holidays) wohoo! Remember to pick up your signs when your done. Keep our community clean!

**With the nicer weather we have been having alot of us are opening our windows. Just a few cautions...

-watch the cords from the blinds and dont let any children get it wrapped around there necks.
-burglers are watching for open windows especially ones on bottom floors to enter into and steal your belongings.

**Today QT off Hunt Hwy was $2.85 for unleaded...thats always welcoming news....hope the price continues to drop.

**And always watch your children at the parks and around the never know whos lerking around... Keep our children safe!

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