Here is the link to the video of when 3TV was out here in Queen Creek to do a story about the Roach infestation. Also wanted to tell you that petitions are going around starting today! Watch for people going around and sign it please. One of our fellow Skyline resident is giving alot of his time to do this for us. Thank you! I wanted to tell you about a product we were made aware of recently that kills cockroaches. We have tried it and its working wonders. Its called Combat Roach Killer. It comes in a gel form and you put bb size dots around your home (careful not to get it on your skin, it is poisonous and can harm you if it does get on your skin) (read the caution label on it)

FWIW... I've used Worx Pest Control since 2006 and actually had them pitted against some other pest control company for a year long service contract as the other company called me at the time my contract was expiring. I actually got them down to $45 per service (every other month). No bug problems... I know money is tight for a lot of people in our area... but, negotiate with them. It's worth not having the little critters running around your feet while you're chilling with your significant other munching on popcorn while paying for "HOA included cable".
I just watched the news clip, and I'm greatly disturbed. I had no idea this was such a problem just down the block. Is it just the homes that back up to the orchard? Can someone tell us more about the petition? What does it say and who are you sending it to? The State? The County really can't do anything? I know some people who work for the County, so I'll try to make some calls. It seems that it's more than a sanitation issue, it's a fire hazzard as well. Come on, a dead orchard right in the dryest area you could imagine? Something needs to be done immediately. Also, besides roaches, anyone have a rat issue? We just killed one in our backyard, and the exterminator said there was little he could do because they were burrowing in from the neighbors. Unfortunately, a lot of neighbors surrounding me have unsanitary conditions (i.e. dog feces and dog food) that aren't helping the problem. I really feel that we all need to pull together to improve Skyline Ranch. The HOA doesn't seem to do much, but I'm not sure how much they can do. Anyway, my husband and I are very frustrated, as I'm sure you all are, and we want to do whatever it takes to preserve what little property value is left around here.
No it is not just the homes that are backed up to the orchard. The roaches are now spreading to the homes down the street and each year are getting further and further. The petition is going around as we speak which explains everything and has phone numbers that you can call. The state owns that piece of land and arent doing anything so thats why the petition is going around. The rats you are seeing are probably gophers. Our community is also being bombarded with gophers. They are easily disposable by getting gopher poison pellets. The roaches are also living in the gophers holes so getting rid of the gophers is another way to combat the roach problem. Hope that information helps you!!!
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