Thursday, July 31, 2008


We got the first newsletter in the mail yesterday (July 30th) and it was pretty informative and interesting. Just a few notes about it.....

-Thank you Melinda for introducing yourself to the community and explaining who you are and what you do. You are an awesome asset to our HOA!
-The Block Party pictures are cute! (thanks to Heidi Mixon "Capture the Moment" photography 480-888-9239) I cant wait for the next one.. hopefully it wont be as hot.
-Park and Drainage areas are being vandalized.....please be your own PI (private investigator) and help deter these perpetrators. If you see anything please contact the Management immediately.
-Dogs need to be leashed at all times when outside of your own property. It is violation of Pinal County Animal Control & its also against the HOA rules. Also there were stations put up with bags to pick up the doggy doo-doo! Please be considerate to others. Nobody likes to step in dog mess. Also be aware of neighbors and keep your barker quiet.
-Weeds are nobody's friend. Especially those who have to live next to a home filled with them. Violators will be first notified of the problem with no fine and given 14 days to fix it, 2nd is a $25 fine accompanied by 14 additional days to fix it, 3rd is a $50 fine accompanied by a final 14 day to comply along with a warning that if compliance is not obtained the HOA's legal council will be contacted and legal proceedings begin. It doesn't take long at all if you just go out 1 day a week and pick the weeds that sprout. Just a few minutes is all that is needed.
-We now have security from the Countrywide Sheriffs that is staffed with Deputy Sheriffs working on an off duty capacity meaning there are still in uniform and marked patrol cars. They have the authority to arrest just like an on duty sheriff could.
-Thanks to Tony Kostura who won the "Name the Newsletter Contest"! Its called Skyline Byline. Skyline Byline now needs a logo. Help design a logo and submit it to
-Got young kids. Play date is the first Tuesday of every month at 9AM @ the big park off Pebble Creek & Saguaro.
-Bids are being taken for someone to start up an official website for the HOA! Looking for someone in the community to be the webmaster. Contact Melinda Deuring.
Neighborhood Block Watch Program is being organized. If you want to be a part of it come to the meeting Tuesday August 26th, 2008 @ 7pm Skyline Ranch Elementary
-Brag Away. Have something to brag about and want to share it with your community. Send in your pictures and inforamation to Jeni at
-Curfew for the state is 10pm. Help by calling on violators.
-Play Bunco? Come roll some dice and meet your neighbors. Contact Geri Stewart at if interested
-contact if you want to help get rid of the big eye sore and breeding grounds for the roachs aka the dead orchards.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


I received a postcard in the mail about the Queen Creek Marketplace having a Grand Opening Party (this is the Target shopping center) There will be.....

-over 20 tons of snow
-chance to win a San Diego Family Getaway
-a kids fashion show and performance
-special grand opening discounts and giveaways at the shops and restaurants

This postcard also had a list of stores coming soon which includes.......
Chick-fil-a, Frazee Paint, GamesStop, Justice for Girls, Peter Piper Pizza, Sport Chalet, Riviera Pools, ULTA

The big day is SATURDAY, August 9th 10am- 2pm

An Update

Not too much to update you all on. Our community is looking pretty nice right now with all the flowers blooming, trees are full of leaves and the driveways arent full of old newspapers and phone books. (this is true to the areas that I frequently drive) Also the gophers have disappeared within the few homes and neighbors that I frequently converse with. Hows your area?

School is back in session for the Florence district which is probably most of you who have school age children. Try to be aware when driving through the school zones that we all watch our speed and keep our eyes pried open. Also we need to watch for any criminal activities that are caused by kids skipping class -aka- ditchers! Ive noticed a bit more activity in the back by the orchards. Usually its younger kids about 8-10 years of age walking or riding their bikes. Keep an eye out for any suspicious activities especially with the recent graffiti and vandalism problem we've had.

The next HOA meeting is coming up in a few weeks. It will be on Thursday, August 14 at 6:30 pm. Same place as last time.......Skyline Ranch Elementary (in the gym or library) Please come! Many of your questions and concerns can be answered. The more our community pulls together the better it will work.

I have a link on the right hand side of the page the sends you to the pages for the Skyline Ranch Marketplace. It has pictures and maps of what it is going to look like and which stores will be occupying the spaces. If any of you have insider information please pass it on to me. Also check out the other links I have put up. There is alot of good information on them.

On a small side note...sorry to those who have not received the petition for the roaches. It is still going around (slowly....its hooottt) If you would like someone to come to your home please email me and I will pass the information on and get one to you to sign.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Phone Books

Recently we got phone books on our driveways and I remembered what happened last time. Last time people left them on their driveways and at the mailboxes. They will just sit there and look ugly! If you see any phone books on a vacant home please pick them up. Also if you do not want your books you can take them to the school and put it in the recycle dumpster. Not only will you help keep our neighborhoods looking clean but your also helping the economy! Here are some statistics about recycling paper from

Benefits of Paper Recovery

Photo of girl bundling newspapers for recycling

The economic and environmental benefits of paper recycling are many. Paper recovery:

  • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions that could lead to damaging climate change.
  • Saves money since recycling fiber is cheaper than harvesting and processing virgin fiber.
  • Saves considerable landfill space, since paper products constitute the largest fraction of MSW—accounting for nearly 40 percent of all MSW generated, according to EPA.
  • Reduces the volume of waste burned in waste combustors, thus reducing air emissions.

Recycling and source reducing paper products reduces energy consumption, decreases combustion and landfill emissions, and decreases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. When you reduce or recycle paper products, trees that would otherwise be harvested are left standing. These living trees absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. On the other hand, when trees are harvested for papermaking, carbon is released, generally in the form of carbon dioxide. When the rate of carbon absorption exceeds the rate of release, carbon is said to be "sequestered." This carbon sequestration reduces greenhouse gas concentrations by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

GO GREEN!!! Thank you for helping keep our community clean and our economy a healthier, cleaner place.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

combat roach killer in action ~~~graphic video and picture

This is the video to show what I did! (sorry for the bad quality)

Here is a picture of only one of the masses of roaches devouring the gel. There were hundreds of roaches eating this stuff within only minutes of putting it down. No joke!!
This stuff really works. If you haven't gone to get some I suggest you should and get the roaches gone!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Restaurants Reviews

Been to a restaurant near by that you would like to rave about? Use the comment link to tell us all about it!


Heres an idea! I want to give a link to your website on our blog... Any of you sell Avon, Mary Kay, Cookie Lee Jewelry, Pampered Chef? Are you a travel agent? Realtor? Send me a link to your website and I will give you a permanent link on the blog. Its free advertisement! Spread the word about the blog and you can get more hits on your site. Tell your friends and neighbors about it!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Roaches (yes again) & petitions

Wow must I say Ive had a good week. Why you ask! Well I'm not sure if its the Combat gel we have been using or the monsoon but man have the cockroaches disappeared. I'm not trying to confuse you all. They are still around but very few numbers lately. Anyways Its been nice not having to sweep the porch every morning and hunt around our home with the dust buster vacuuming up those pesky roaches. Lets hope its not just the monsoon and that the Combat gel is really working. (read post below about the Combat gel). On another note the rain ruined the papers on the mail boxes about the website.....I will be around soon to put up new ones. If you guys would be so kind as to take down the old papers on your mailboxes for me. Thank you! Petitions are going around! Give us time -- its hot, humid and it takes a lot of work to walk up to each door and explain why we are there and go back to the houses where nobody answered. If anybodies got something to say or something they want me to post about just email me and I will do my best to get it posted!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Here is the link to the video of when 3TV was out here in Queen Creek to do a story about the Roach infestation. Also wanted to tell you that petitions are going around starting today! Watch for people going around and sign it please. One of our fellow Skyline resident is giving alot of his time to do this for us. Thank you! I wanted to tell you about a product we were made aware of recently that kills cockroaches. We have tried it and its working wonders. Its called Combat Roach Killer. It comes in a gel form and you put bb size dots around your home (careful not to get it on your skin, it is poisonous and can harm you if it does get on your skin) (read the caution label on it)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Graffitti and Vandalism

I became aware of some problems occurring in our community. There has been an influx in graffiti and vandalism especially in the bridges and at the parks. Please please call the sheriffs phone number if you see anything suspicious. That way there can be a record of things that are happening. Arizona has a curfew law that is 10:00 pm for anybody under the age of 17. (correct me if I am wrong) If you see anybody breaking curfew call the sheriffs so we can curb this ongoing problem in our neighborhood. Also the parks are dirty and trashed. What I do to help around is just to pick up the trash myself. Alot of the problems are from unsupervised children. Be mindful of where your children are at and what they are doing. Not only for reasons of dirty parks, graffiti, vandalism but also safety reasons. The sheriffs number is on the right hand side of the blog. Don't be afraid to use it.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


630 at Skyline Ranch Elementary School (cafeteria)


Want to get rid of the pesky cockroaches? Petitions will be going around this week to get the state to clear out the dead orange grove which has become an ideal cockroach habitat. Everyone who wants to join the fight check back here for more information. We will be posting phone numbers and information on what YOU can do to help!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


We have a meeting this WEDNESDAY July 9th @ 6:30pm

All meetings are held right around the corner.........

Location: Skyline Ranch Elementary School Cafeteria
1084 W San Tan Hills Drive
Queen Creek, AZ 85243

If you are unable to make it this time the next one will be Thursday, August 14, 2008 at 6:30
Mark your calendars!

Hope to see you there!

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